May 21, 2013

Step away from the Wahl

I don't think I can blame pregnancy on this occasion. I have always possessed a " Bull at a gate" type mentality. Over the years I've gladly volunteered to barber my friends hair.. Or shall I say.. butcher it. It started at a young age, Mum noticed my love of cutting and bought me the "Cut & Style" Barbie. I vividly remember the tune to the ad.. It went a little something like this. "Now you can do what you've never done before, you can snip, snip, snip and snip some more, for the very first time cut as much as you dare! Then just like magic she's got long hair"! Sadly this isn't the case for humans. I know Ashley and Martin hair-loss studio would disagree with me.

My last couple of cuts have been less that perfect. First victim was my brother. Once he picked up on the vibe it wasn't going well he said in a depressed tone "Just shave it all off" and was probably wishing he'd gone to Just Cuts. Then came my husband.. I insist on cutting his hair because last time he got it cut professionally we practically had to refinance. Not quite, BUT it was outrageous. Money well spent in his mind, especially after my recent effort. I fired up my Wahl clipper and as a time saver went straight for the number 2... there was no going back. I actually dropped the clipper a couple years ago and it makes a really horrific sound so I always try to work quickly and my results shamefully show it. The cut lacked both blendage and evenness. He felt he looked like a member of the Gestapo then proceeded to put on his New Era cap when he sadly realized it was no longer "fitted" due to missing a substantial amount of hair. To make matters worse I laughed soo hard I thought I was going into labour. Service with a smile! He was good humored about it, but made it clear I would never be allowed to cut his hair again, at least not while I'm pregnant. His hair is soo short he probably won't need a cut for 6 months anyway. So I guess that's the end of my hairdressing career... baby boy won't know I'm a bad hairdresser until he's at least 5 and gets teased at school. I won't toss out the clippers just yet..

Maybe a lot longer in this case.

1 comment:

  1. Hilarious.. Where are the photos?? ;)

    The shortest I go for Mark is a number 8 I think - 2 is ridiculous!

    ~ Kim
